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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 28, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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go to the web page for the alive after show. nts. brooke goldstein and baratunde thurston will be there. for matt and kmele, i am kennedy. thank you for watching. good night. lou: good evening, president declaring obama doctrine is about minimizing his mistakes, congressman wenstrup on signals that mr. obama's mess sends to our enemies, that we'll be eploreing fur. and congress returning to work today after a two week easter vacation, but what are they returning to? aren't congressman -- republican congressman returning to a house divideed. john boehner, furthering division of imtkpraeug, mocking his own caucus members. >> app tight amongst my colleagues, for doing this is not real good.
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there are guys here with a camera, here is attitude. oh. don't make h make me do this. this is too hard. you should hear them. lou: well, you should see them. and democrats returning to washington, in search of a strategy that will cause voters to forget about the obamacare disaster, and an economy that is produceeducing far too few jobs, more low paying job z than high, and administration's foreign policy of course, all around the globe. the president, winding down, what has been a four country asia tour, returning to white house tomorrow uvisiting japan, south korea, malaysia, and philippines, nationsal looking for bolsters u.s. military, and diplomatic agreement to counter rise of chinese military power, and geo political ambitions and threats of north korea, with all
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on his schedule, president obama today still found time to comment on the charges of racism aimed at a los angeles nba franchise owner, named donald sterling. >> when ignorant folks want to advertise there are ignorance, you don't really have to do anything just let them talk, that is what happened. lou: president obama making a controversial statement about his foreign policy strategy as well today. very much sounds like an effort to loweriic expectations for the remained irof his second term, fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry with our report from manila. >> reporter: wrapping up a week-long trip from asia am dominating by his questions of handleing from ukraine to push for middle east peace, and fall out from red line in syria, president obama launched a defense against critics that
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suggestion his foreign policy projections weakness. and using a baseball analogy. >> it may not always be sexy, it may not always attract a lot of attention, does not make there are good argument on sunday morning shows, but, it avoids errors. you hit singles, you hit doubles, every once in a while we may be able to hit a home run. >> reporter: republicans fire back that president has been strikeing are on the, charges announcement today of a round of sanction targeting cronies of russia president putin issue too little too late. >> i fear we're doing is tweaking folks, as we seen from this administration on so many tough issues, their policies always late after the points in time when we could have made a difference in the on the cut come. >> reporter: the president's hometown paper reporting he is
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quote struggles to sell's foreign policy straepbg that strategy that seems under siege, the president took a shot at fox, said more positive stories are not getting attention. >> what you think that obama doctrine is in terms of what your guides principle is on these creases you had you -- crisis and you answer those critics who say that doctrine is weakness. >> i doubt i will have time to layout my en fea entire for fory doctrine, there are some communityly pieces as well. but i'm not sure you ran them. >> reporter: as one champ old on ukraine. presidentially site reuter op-ed, who wrote last week, modest sanctions we've imposed on fruit ina pop cron -- putin a top cronies juste strike just the right balance.
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they are hitting him now. >> many who are proponents of what i consider to be a disastrous decision to go into iraq. have not learned the lesson of the last decade. you got me worked up. >> reporter: president acknowledgeing he got worked up about that question, these crises on his mind, and while republican worker was worked -- worker was worked up about the sanctions, saying they are a slap on the wrist. >> thank you, ed. president's defense of his so-called small ball approach to foreign policy comes as dang is -- obama administration is piv its toward issues. here former pentagon official fox news national security analyst mcfarland. and doug schoan. >> good to be here. lou: if we may, kt, with what is
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a large chore. statement about what is the obama doctrine. what is it? does anyone really know? >> no. it is -- it is weakness. if you have to say anything it is leading from behind, the problem can that, now -- problem with that, it is now bearing fruit there is a gap, a power vacuum up front that are other countries are rushing to fill. they are taking advantage of a aboupresident who heads up these straw men, saying go to war or do nothing, so we'll do nothing. lou: to its credit, i think the republican party is bereft of neocons who are banging war drums, talk about a straw man that is one. o go to war tonk kt is right.
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tighten sanctions to have more robust presence in nato nations than few hundred troops we have there we could do a little bit more for the ukrainians than ready to eat meals, our response in ukraine is pathetic. i say that has someone who loves the country, wishes it remains free and independent. lou: you say, weak. but this is not weak to have new sanctions against 7 russians. and 17 whole companies. >> it is lou. you go after 4 major russian banks, tkhres their business the--close their business then u get putiny attention. lou: i listen to john mccain, talk about banging the war drums, i -- it seems like no one is thinking about consequences, unintended, of raising the level
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of sanctions. there is not -- it seems to me a posture that is recognizable on part of this administration should putin behave as we have learned he will. that is, if his appetite is moreic pantsive -- expanseive, his designs greater, there does not seem to be a discussion in public. about what the united states will do. and without that assured response, it seems that administration stands impotent and passive? >> there is no plan b, plan a is a few sanctions on a couple of russian so they are not coming to the hamptons this year, and if mute indoes not -- putin does not stop it, if he is headed to nato countries which i think he
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is. at last,000 days of obama administration, you could have a a run -- iran with nuclear weapons, and china make aggressive moves that is failure if three parts of the world, in which we were strong prior on this. lou: secretary of state, kerry has been more discrypt stiff about iz reality. and than he has been with the russians, if they decide to take on the rest of eastern europe. an apartheid state he said will be the result. >> i can't imagine why the secretary of state would use that language. about the only stable, democratic allie we have in the middle east, sure there is room for negotiation but now that hamas is in league with the palestinian authority.
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, with abbas' party, i mean, how can iz realit israel negotiate? how can a deal get done. >> it is also scapegoating of his own failures, he is looking for a scapegoat, blame israel. lou: thank you. >> thank you. >> now for our quote of the evening, this from henry kissinger, if you don't know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere. perhaps an insight into the obama doctrine. on wall street stocks finished mixed. dow up, 87. s&p gained 6, nazdaq down 1, crude oil up 24 cents. and gold down $2. yield on 10 year, up to 2. 68%.
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pending home sales up more than 3% last month, bank of america shares plungeing 6%, suspended capital plan because of errors on the part of the bank, banking analyst calls that bank too big to manage after that, he will have support for the view. >> shares of pharmaceuticals, surging 28%. after acquireed by forest labs in a deal worth $1.5 billion. >> astrazeneca ar rejecting a second takeover bid from pfizer, stay with us, we'll coming right back. >> the speaker mocking moderates and conservatives. >> here is the attitude, oh, don't make h make me do this, ts too hard. you should hear them. >> we'll talk with the heritage
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>> we'll talk with the heritage foundation's geneve wood, here
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up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? lou: a handful of republicans optimistic about passing immigration legislation, house g.o.p. conference chair, rodgers stateing there is a path to put a bill on the floor by august. our next guest said that the push would demoralize conservatives, and questions speaker boehner's comments. >> here is the attitude. oh, don't make me do this. oh, this is too hard. lou: joining us now, je geneve d of the heritage foundation, can
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you believe hearing that, in public or private? >> for that matter, he acknowledged tkhr*fs a camera -- acknowledged there was a camera, this is to e else i have elevate debate in washington, this is not a good way to start. mocking other members in his party is not a good way to encourage dialogue. conservatives want immigration reform, they don't want amnesty. really what they are talking about is an amnesty bill, not a true immigration reform that secures borders first. it will be big trouble in november if that is the route they go as far as conservatives at the poll. lou: we thought we would be helpful in republican conference and country verseals on part --
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reversal of the part of speaker the last year, the number is 9. we cannot include his weekend -- whatever that was. because he really said, he didn't know. now just does not know what is going on. we have for some reason kathy mcmorris rodgers saying they could go by august. this is riseing to the level of a spoon-fed chamber of commerce, business round table, well, buffet. >> lou, these are the same folks, the same party who said on this issue as on many others, they cannot trust the president to actually enforce the laws that we already have, much less new laws that congress would pass. what part of the back and forth on obamacare, where president
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taking parts of the law, away from puting it in, why do they not think that would happen on immigration, they have said that same thing, now to come forward, talk about maybe we'll have something. nobody has put anything on the table. reality is there is a lot of talk right now, this is confusing people, and suppressing the voters they are hoping the turn out in november. lou: it is clear first person that cannot be trusted for the republicans it speaker boehner, he has been flip-flopping, mocking and acting super silliously. but so be it, choice of the house. and great secret for some is who don't know who elections the speaker, he is electioned by house not the conference, there is a real conundrum for
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conservatives and moderates who are concerned about first the national interest before making marks with the speaker. the idea that we're going to go into this midterm, with a speaker who is basically usaying uyousaying, i am turning againsy own chairman of the. >> yothe. >> you dishary committee,. >> and fact this and this is ae matter, he would want to follow something we tried before, amnesty first, as you know, all other stuff never happened now we have almost 4 times as many folks here illegally as we did in 1986 when we tried that
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route. he talked about elected to offices making tough choices, how is that solving problem, we know it does not work, and you want to put it out there again. lou: it looked like it was served up by u.s. chamber of commerce, geneve thank you. >> thank you, lou. lou: time for a look at our on-line poll result. do you believe john boehner will be the speaker of the house at this time next year, 81% said no. before the weekend. 19% said yes. our poll question tonight, but first, russell moore, president of southern baptist, bragging to fox's tkpwrefrp en about all issue where his issue disagreed with the president. >> asking for your opinion or wanting you to preach his policy from the pulpit?
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>> no, he was not asking to us preach anything from the pulpit. if he had been he would not have inviteeed me, i disagree with te president on many things. lou: message is, mr. moore, offering us, we can trust him. but within seconds after the question was asked, he sounded ed went just seconds again, like he is in full agreement with the president on one issue. >> i think he wanted us to talk about what can we do about the immigration system we have right 4, one thing that i believe, strongly, is that we have all sorts of divisions, this is not one of them. lou: really? we don't have any disagreement? i wond irwhawhat is taking so l. to come to some resolution? >> tell us when you think, answer the poll, is the southern commission campaigning for
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president on immigration? cast your vote. we'll pass it along to america moore. -- mr. moore. later the quote of the evening. >> u.s. postal service, homeland security, other government agents stockin stocking up on an but pentagon wants to get rid of it, some arsenal, could still be used by our troops, but it is being destroyed because they do not have a efficient system of sharing excess bullets. we're coming right back, it just gets better. >> the obama new normal, high paying, highly skilled jobs lost in recession, replaced by low playing jobs, and often temporary. temporary. we show you the
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hello. shopping for a used car with the right history? yeah. i don't want one that's had a big wreck. oh, our team tracks millions of accidents. yeah, doug to carfax... i got an accident report on vin# 1dc... moles? they dig up the facts. naturally. let carfax® help you find the right used car with the right history. i like it. start shopping now at lou: back with the chalk talk, a magic word, it is res reset. another reset by obama
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administration, reset with russia, is not working out so great, a reset of american standard of living at work right now, a study out finds that there are 3.6 million higher wage jobs, lost during the recession. and those are software development engineers, and attorneys, since then they added back 2.6 million jobs. and that is unfortunately the trend throughout the labor market. we lost 2 million lower wage jobs. fast-food workers, retail employers. but have added 3.8 million of those. imagine, almost double those
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low-wage jobs, bad news does not en there there are still 10 1/2 million americans who are unemployed, not raising wages for those who are working. in 2007 the average household income was $55627 a year, now. after the great resolution, and this -- recession and 5 years of struggling recovery that average is $51017. those numbers are adjusted for inflation. and so what is the obama administration doing? they are talking about raising minimum wage, investing in job training program, you have to
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have big government doing its thing, right? price control, wage control, how do we train people for jobs that don't exist? president never talked about that, does he? and those jobs may never exist, we can't anticipate the labor force. we have a collision of trouble some forces working against americans, prospect of minimum wage, raised, push for a low-wage immigrant work force at same time by big business. read u.s. chamber of commerce, failing public schools, offshoreing of production by our biggest companies, and the outsources of jobs. business practices that tear up the middle class. and, of course, we have president obamay policies just to bringing it what is a perfect storm, forgive me for using that cliche but it applies.
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to the worsen, unless this president, congress come to their senses about what they are doing to working men, and women to the middle class in this country, they need to get there real soon, the word of the day,% -- parsimonious, we're coming right back. >> america's number one diplomat with a less than diplomatic warning for israel, a-team
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lou: workers tonight are searching threw the rubble, looking for survivors after i outbreak of tornado where 18 people have been killed in
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arkansas, oklahoma, and iowa, arkansas the hardest hit, forecasters are predicts more storms this evening for those areas. congressmen michael grim claiming he is a moral man, and victim of a political witch-hunt after he was arrested appeared in federal court applieded not guilty to a 20 count indictment, that include mail, wire, and tax fraud, released on $400,000 bond, and requested to be removeed from his position on house financial services committee. joining us now to assess the political developments, ron christie. fox news contract contract or frid barnes, and doug schoan. let me start fred with you, president today offered an
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opportunity to explain obama doctrines, said he did not have the time to do so. i have asked, doug, and kt, to help us out, no one seems to know what the heck it is. perhaps even the president. >> no, but president will always tell you what it is not. whatever bush did, it is not that. but that is the best he come up with. when he ask asked that question he turns to attacking his predecessor in the white house always mentioning the iraq war. lou:ed ied president saying whar his policies are, are not sexy but they are stead fastly low risk, and few errors are the result. >> i listen to, that i thought, what are you talking about, only thing we've seen from this president, is a series of mistakes, his drawn red line
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that syria, and threatening putin saying if you don't back off, you know there will be consequences, everything he said as relates to foreign policy, he never followed up, and secretary of state today calling israel an apartheid state. there is no rhyme or reason. lou: if they don't negotiate with the palestinians. this president is in a mess. >> he is. this is a presidency i think is sinking with little prospect of being redeemed. he has one, set. one ace in the hole. republicans. >> i think watching speaker boehner today, we should not minimize that value of that. >> that is my points. lou: what do you make of speaker boehner going off like, i'm not sure what to make of it but mocking his caucus, his
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conference? >> i think, he is looking for a sandbox to play in. lou: well, i hope he is playing in what he might have intended but result is different. >> and trapped. >> we're will see this mot met r tortureed further. these are your friends, you know them better than anyone, except ron christie. but, he knows all of the big shots, but, the republicans look like they have already met everything that doug schoan and the democratic leadership could ask for in a party, now talking about amnesty, some members promising in effect there will be compromise. when they already had leadership issued in the house, why are
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they doing this? >> i will tell speaker boehner how much you louded his approach. boehner's problem, he has not been clear about what he has in mind, this has nothing to do with amnesty. if he brings up an immigration bill this summer, he is talking about doing immigration reform in bite size pieces, he could bring uper somer some visas fory skilled workers that might attract a lot of republican votes. lou: but. >> maybe democratic votes, and be first step in immigration reform but he is not going to bring unamnesty, that is an issue that divideed republicans. lou: why was he mocking his caucus over the weekend, and making fun of the difficulties of choices for many, not just conservatives, moderates face. the same position.
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and not talking about realities, and why is know he standing up and isn't he st-pbtding up and supporting house judiciary for bills already passed. this could have been resolved 10 years ago. if u.s. chamber of commerce, and business roundtable and all immigrant activist groups had just calmed down said we'll take a half a loaf at a time skwhr- i thin.>> i think they are on thee page it may work but not in one big bill. lou: as i said, he is reverseed course, 9 times, that we have counted over the course of the last year. >> this is why i think so many
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americans are disappointed with house republican leadership, showing cure the border -- secure the border, deal with those here. put them in the system, and it ticks a lot of people off. >> i have a simple summary, this is why the democrats have a chance to hold the senate, this conversation, a divideed republican party, a speaker who whines about his caucus, what more could the president what. lou: last 15 seconds. >> i don't think so, i think immigration reform talking about it, passing a small piece is a step in the right direction. lou: would you want to go -- >> not amnesty. lou: i know, i accept your faith. would you go to conference with the senate? >> no. not on the bill.
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lou: there is a problem. >> as i was saying, lou. thank you, fred. you make my points. >> thank you. ron christie thank you for having words with us, doug schoan. a mind, tonight, southern baptist -- campaigning for president's position on immigration reform, you can vote on, or tweet your response, i do not mean in anyway to upset baptists out there, stay with us, brothers and sisters. >> here is brock talking about collaborateing with former cbs reporter shar sheryl atkinson. >> we have worked with her on stories but we work with
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reporters. >> we're come -- that is just -- beautiful. state of texas attracting an automotive planting, relocateing thousands of jobs to the lone star state. so long, california,
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lou: toyota announcing it is moving its national headquarters from california, to texas, not hard to see how texas offers a more friendly atmosphere for toyota and other businesses, california sales tax 7.5%, security and exchangtexas6 and 6.25. and texas has no individual income tax. no wonder texas is thriving. texas with 5.5% unemployment
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rate. let's see what box office did over the weekend. taking over captain america. is the other woman. and heaven is for real third place. in its second weekend out. >> stocks closing mostly higher after a roller coaster session, dow trading in 187-points range. a heavy selling of internet and biotechs on the nazdaq, joining us jim dunagan. great to have you here. >> thank you, lou. lou: this look like a haoeuplty y healthy
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mark thougmarket today, your re? >> we continue to see a lot of activity on the mand a sideway like that. the economy continues to improvement that is helping what we've seen with tensions in russia that has distracted visitors here. lou: i worry about the focus on ukraine. not sure how to interpret that is reason for it. i leave that to you, but sales numbers, a lot of people complaining about a 3. 4% increase in sales that looked pretty good for me. >> a good number, housing is shaking off the effects of a harsh winter, but we're seeing slowing versus the pace of 2013. rising out prices affected affordibility and higher
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mortgage rates. a slowdown but a good year but not a great year. >> your outlook for the week? a lot of numbers ut, unemployment rate? >> headline will be unemployment friday, we are looking for 200,000 jobs, consensus is maybe 2 1/4, fed pleats likely -- meeting "like" continuing their tapers. and we have first look at first quarter gdp . which will likely be showing effects of the winter slowdown we're looking for 1.8%. lou: and the market itself? >> probably mildly bullish, a little bit cautious, earnings have been solid, we'll likely see what probably a 3% increase over last year. but i think we'll see a choppy market through more volatility, we have a transition going on from what we saw in markets supported by easy monetary policy.
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to one that will transition to fundamentals earnings and economic growth. lou: sloppy, but. feds saying they are not messing with interest rates at least they promise. for over a year. and idea that fed can have much exertion here, just seems hard to believe they are not going to be in qe, and moving rates? >> we've been in this oxygen-rich environment with a lot of monetary accommodation shifting away as fed tempers, we'd like support from fiscal policy step in as long as we va improving employment numbers, we think that gdp growth will be better than we've seen, we're looking under 3% for 2 2014. lou: a quick last question.
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are we going to see that great rotation from bond market to equities? >> when rates tick up, but as investor lose money in fixed income then we'll see it. lou: appreciate it thank you. >> and listen to my financial reports 3 times a day coast-to-coast on sal salem rado network, up next, my commentary about allegations involving the clippers owner donald sterling. stye with us. -- stay with us. stick with innovation.
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lou: a few concluding thought on l.a. clippers owner sterling. and the controversy that engulfs him and his team, partly after making these comments. >> people call you and tell you i have black people on my instagram, it bothers. >> you yeah it bothers me a lot. if you top broadcast that you are associates with black people, do you have to. you don't have to have yourself with walking, with black people. lou: boycotts and reprisals began today, 9 clippers sponsors have withdrawn their advertising more on likely to follow. knicks executive larry johnson weighed in, tweeting his call for a all african-american league, with black owners. charles barkley, calls sterling a jackass. which i think was mott moderater the circumstances.
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but then as charles sometimes does he went on. and said quote, we are a black league. which is irrelevant to sterling's raceist remarks they would be no less offensive if there were fewer blacks in the league, then there are the effort in sport media to be most outraged wright iroutrage write. >> take this article, public record he wrote, strongly suggestions that los angeles clippers owner sterling is a unabasheed bigot, small minded, mean spirits -- petty. wow. strong adjectives, and more powerful verb is word suggests, good lord. imagine adjectivesly could have
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used had there been clear evidence with which to argue his case. wow. i would suggestion that bleachers beck is winner of most outraged writer, tomorrow we hear from the nba about what it will do, if anything can be done about sterling's ignore an remarks, i hope nba, sports media and his players would answer one fe for me, how is it, that they all did not know more about the character of a man who has owned his franchise for 33 seasons and in fact the longest tenureed of all of the nba owners. i think barkley had this one right. at least on jackass part. a few of your comments. >> i like your show. i am an independent, i do not
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believe in parties, we need people who work for the people. and mark tweeted, what did americans think whether president said he radically transform america? he is doing what he promised. and lloyd, affirmative action based on race orienteder does not make sense, this cult of victim hood from the left is a factology -- pathology. we love hearing from you, you can e-mail us, tweet us or our facebook page. arthurs of comments we read, receive a fry copy of my new book, "upheaval." soon, there will be a new, new book. it will be avisio fiction thril, we'll tell you about that later, coming up tomorrow, former arkansas governor fox news host mike huckabee, and congressman brad rent wenstrup among our
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